Greener farming with on-site renewable energy generation

Grove Farm is a cattle livestock breeding and free-range chicken growing farm in Knighton, Wales.

Volter’s reliability and automation enables focusing on the core business

To produce renewable heat, the Grove Farm had biomass boilers installed on site. The business was growing, but so were energy costs, which lead the farm owners to research technologies that provide both renewable heat and energy. Volter 40 Indoor Combined Heat and Power plant was selected, because it offers long-term reliability and automation, allowing the farm owners to focus on their core business.

Cutting costs with a combination of Volter’s CHP and woodchip pre-treatment system

Two Volter 40 Indoors are generating heat for a wood drying process, working together with a chip pre-treatment system to dry and screen the woodchip. Due to this fully automated drying process, the unscreened and wet chip can be bought at a lower cost. The CHPs are producing electricity for the farm’s own needs, reducing energy costs and excess is sold into the grid.

This installation was done by Volter’s distributor in the UK, Arbor Heat and Power.
